Hello Song - We always sing “Say Hello to Avery, to Avery, to Avery, say hello to Avery we're so glad you're here! We go around and do everyone's names while tapping our knees and then our hands together.
-7 Days a Week Song:
There are 7 days there are 7 days
There are 7 days in a week.
There are 7 days there are 7 days
There are 7 days in a week!
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays, Friday, Saturday
There are 7 days there are 7 days
There are 7 days in a week.
( We hold up 7 fingers then put up one at a time while we say the days of the week.
Monday: Move it Monday (Put our hands on our hips and do a little dance.)
Tuesday: Tap it Tuesday (Tap the floor with your feet.)
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday (Make a silly face.)
Thursday: Thumbs up Thursday
Friday: Raise the roof Friday (We raise our hands in the air and sing raise the roof its Friday!!)
-7 Days a Week Song:
There are 7 days there are 7 days
There are 7 days in a week.
There are 7 days there are 7 days
There are 7 days in a week!
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays, Friday, Saturday
There are 7 days there are 7 days
There are 7 days in a week.
( We hold up 7 fingers then put up one at a time while we say the days of the week.
Monday: Move it Monday (Put our hands on our hips and do a little dance.)
Tuesday: Tap it Tuesday (Tap the floor with your feet.)
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday (Make a silly face.)
Thursday: Thumbs up Thursday
Friday: Raise the roof Friday (We raise our hands in the air and sing raise the roof its Friday!!)