Learning about bumble bees is fun! Creating your own is even more fun!!
Our Lessons For the Week!
Date: 5/14/20
What is our theme? Yarn Wrapped Bumble Bee
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
MA Guidelines/Standards:
APL 2: The child will demonstrate eagerness and curiosity as a learner.
APL4: The child will demonstrate creativity in thinking and use of materials.
Learning Outcomes:
To strengthen fine motor skills and to have a better understanding of what bees do.
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
https://youtu.be/ta154f5Rp5Y - Busy Bee video facts about bees
https://youtu.be/kePv4tviABo - Are You a Bee read aloud
Acrylic Paint
Googly Eyes
Pipe Cleaners
Tacky Glue
Activity (Procedure):
Draw & cut a bee shape out of cardboard. Don’t forget the stinger.
Paint the body of the cardboard yellow & the stinger black. Let dry. Make thin triangular snips into the cardboard on both the top & bottom of the body.
Glue a googly eye & 2 pipe cleaners for the antennae. Draw in a little smile.
Cut long strands of yarn & wrap the strands around the bee’s body at the notches.
Activity Wrap Up:
Make your bee fly around! Can you make the sound the bee makes?
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
This project is helping to strengthen your child's fine motor skills. Watch to see how they use the paintbrush and wrap the yarn.
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
You can use any kind of paint you have and draw eyes on if you do not have googly eyes.
Our Lessons For the Week!
Date: 5/14/20
What is our theme? Yarn Wrapped Bumble Bee
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
- provide multiple opportunities and materials for children to strengthen fine motor skills.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
APL 2: The child will demonstrate eagerness and curiosity as a learner.
APL4: The child will demonstrate creativity in thinking and use of materials.
Learning Outcomes:
To strengthen fine motor skills and to have a better understanding of what bees do.
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
https://youtu.be/ta154f5Rp5Y - Busy Bee video facts about bees
https://youtu.be/kePv4tviABo - Are You a Bee read aloud
Acrylic Paint
Googly Eyes
Pipe Cleaners
Tacky Glue
Activity (Procedure):
Draw & cut a bee shape out of cardboard. Don’t forget the stinger.
Paint the body of the cardboard yellow & the stinger black. Let dry. Make thin triangular snips into the cardboard on both the top & bottom of the body.
Glue a googly eye & 2 pipe cleaners for the antennae. Draw in a little smile.
Cut long strands of yarn & wrap the strands around the bee’s body at the notches.
Activity Wrap Up:
Make your bee fly around! Can you make the sound the bee makes?
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
This project is helping to strengthen your child's fine motor skills. Watch to see how they use the paintbrush and wrap the yarn.
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
You can use any kind of paint you have and draw eyes on if you do not have googly eyes.