Amazing Facts about the Arctic Seal!
Our Lessons for the Week! Oceans
What is our theme? Arctic Seal
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
To become familiar with Arctic Seals and their survival in the environment.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
CD63.Toddler uses simple tools to continue exploration.
CD64. Toddler observes and identifies living things and their basic needs.
Pw36. Toddler controls small muscles in hand.
Learning Outcomes:
I would like the child to learn about Arctic seals, where they live and what they eat?
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
Song -
Large Bowl-Ice Cubes-Crisco.
PLastic Glove-Saran Wrap.
Activity (Procedure)
Place ice cubes in a large bowl. Have the child place a plastic glove on their hand and cover thickly with crisco(lard) and wrap in saran wrap. Have the child dip the gloved hand into the bowl of ice asking them if they feel the freezing water. The glove with the crisco wrapped in saran wrap has the effect of an insulation (blubber)that an Arctic seal has on its body?
Activity Wrap Up:
Identifying Arctic seals and talking about how they are similar to other Seals but different.
How do I know what my child is learning(Assessment)
Experiment with different materials and experiment to see if they have the same effects as before?
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
If you are having a hard time with the saran wrap staying on your hand,you can use a small freezer bag.
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If you don't have ice cubes,you can place water in a freezer before using.
Our Lessons for the Week! Oceans
What is our theme? Arctic Seal
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
To become familiar with Arctic Seals and their survival in the environment.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
CD63.Toddler uses simple tools to continue exploration.
CD64. Toddler observes and identifies living things and their basic needs.
Pw36. Toddler controls small muscles in hand.
Learning Outcomes:
I would like the child to learn about Arctic seals, where they live and what they eat?
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
Song -
Large Bowl-Ice Cubes-Crisco.
PLastic Glove-Saran Wrap.
Activity (Procedure)
Place ice cubes in a large bowl. Have the child place a plastic glove on their hand and cover thickly with crisco(lard) and wrap in saran wrap. Have the child dip the gloved hand into the bowl of ice asking them if they feel the freezing water. The glove with the crisco wrapped in saran wrap has the effect of an insulation (blubber)that an Arctic seal has on its body?
Activity Wrap Up:
Identifying Arctic seals and talking about how they are similar to other Seals but different.
How do I know what my child is learning(Assessment)
Experiment with different materials and experiment to see if they have the same effects as before?
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
If you are having a hard time with the saran wrap staying on your hand,you can use a small freezer bag.
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If you don't have ice cubes,you can place water in a freezer before using.