Making a sandcastle is fun and will work those fine motor skills at the same time!
Our Lessons For the Week!
Sand castle
What is our theme?
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
To explore what is in and around the ocean.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
CD60. The younger toddler experiments with various wet and dry materials to discover their properties.
PW33. The young toddler coordinates eye and hand movements.
Learning Outcomes:
The toddler develops an ability to control and refine small muscles (fine motor).
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques) bootk “The sand castle that Lola built” song “beach song”
Activity (Procedure):
Best to go to the beach
Bring bucket and shovel
Make sure the sand is little wet
Fill bucket and dump it out when filled
Activity Wrap Up:
Can talk about how they made their castle and what other things they see or feel.
How do I know what my child is learning(Assessment)
The toddler develops early scientific skills through exploration and discovery.
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
If you can't go to the beach, build it in a sandbox or table.
You could also use playdough, fill the bucket up using a shovel or spoon or use pinch technique with fingers and dump them out.
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
The pitfalls can be the sand is not wet enough or it's too wet, other is if they use a large bucket it will be too heavy. Soulutions mix some water and sand together to find the right mixture, and use a small bucket or get help from parents.
Our Lessons For the Week!
Sand castle
What is our theme?
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
To explore what is in and around the ocean.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
CD60. The younger toddler experiments with various wet and dry materials to discover their properties.
PW33. The young toddler coordinates eye and hand movements.
Learning Outcomes:
The toddler develops an ability to control and refine small muscles (fine motor).
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques) bootk “The sand castle that Lola built” song “beach song”
Activity (Procedure):
Best to go to the beach
Bring bucket and shovel
Make sure the sand is little wet
Fill bucket and dump it out when filled
Activity Wrap Up:
Can talk about how they made their castle and what other things they see or feel.
How do I know what my child is learning(Assessment)
The toddler develops early scientific skills through exploration and discovery.
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
If you can't go to the beach, build it in a sandbox or table.
You could also use playdough, fill the bucket up using a shovel or spoon or use pinch technique with fingers and dump them out.
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
The pitfalls can be the sand is not wet enough or it's too wet, other is if they use a large bucket it will be too heavy. Soulutions mix some water and sand together to find the right mixture, and use a small bucket or get help from parents.