Monday 3/30/2020 Seeds
Read the Tiny Seed by Eric Carle (youtube)
Find some fruits and vegetables with seeds in our house. We will compare the seeds and taste them.
apples,oranges,cucumbers and tomatoes anything we have. We will make a little plant pot from home materials or plant the seeds in the garden. Throughout the days we will watch to see if our seeds grew?
Tuesday 3/31/2020 Making a map
Youtube music -Wheels on the Bus.
Place newspaper,cardboard or large paper down and fill a tray with some paint. Choose some toy trucks or buses and dip them in the paint creating your own map. We also can make a pretend bus with chairs and take a trip.
When out walking with family we can watch for trucks driving and buses.
Wednesday 3/1/2020 Clouds
Story - Little Cloud by Eric Carle youtube- granny's book nook. Then with a mirror and shaving cream we will create our clouds and things we see in the shaving cream.
When walking with family outside look for different shapes in the sky or make a cloud picture with cotton balls.
Thursday 4/1/2020 Going Camping
Read -Topsy and Tim Go Camping on youtube for kids. We will build a tent made with sheets- tarp or blankets inside or in the garden.
We can build a campsite.with twigs leaves or rocks and sing songs on kids youtube and have treats or lunch in the tent.
Fun Friday 4/2/2020 Making Pizza
Sing the pizza song kids youtube. We will then make pizza with a paper plate using,buttons or colored paper shapes.
We can then pretend we are delivering pizza and exchanging pretend money. The family can make pizza by using any supplies english muffin,pitta bread cut up bread toasted.
Add cheese and toppings you have and like.