Theme: Letter of the week - Z
Purpose: Teaching the letter Z and the sound
Learning standard:
F.PK.1: With guidance and support, demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of printed and written text: books, words, letters, and the alphabet.
F.PK.2. With guidance and support, demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
c. Identify the initial sound of a spoken word and, with guidance and support, generate several other words that have the
same initial sound.
Learning outcomes: I would like the children to make a Zebra out of the letter Z
New words that have the Z sound
Motivational techniques: (Books, Videos and Pictures to use with this lesson)
Use pictures of Zebras posted below for inspiration!
Also, listen to the Read Aloud Story, "The Z was Zapped" by Chris Van Allsburg - Posted Below
Procedure: Have an adult make a Large Z 3 inches in diameter on a piece of white paper
Starting at the top of the Z have your child make black lines from one side to the
Other all the way to the end of the Z (Printable Z also posted below)
Add eyes and a main to your Z to make a zebra
Materials: White paper, black crayon or marker
Wrap up: Talk about the Z sound and think of other words that begin with that sound
( Zoo, zoom, zig zag, etc. )
Assessment: Can your child come up with new words that begin with the letter Z?
Modifications: Make a horse on a piece of paper, then add black stripes to turn it into a zebra
Helpful Hints: If you don’t have the color black use colors that you do have
Purpose: Teaching the letter Z and the sound
Learning standard:
F.PK.1: With guidance and support, demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of printed and written text: books, words, letters, and the alphabet.
F.PK.2. With guidance and support, demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds (phonemes).
c. Identify the initial sound of a spoken word and, with guidance and support, generate several other words that have the
same initial sound.
Learning outcomes: I would like the children to make a Zebra out of the letter Z
New words that have the Z sound
Motivational techniques: (Books, Videos and Pictures to use with this lesson)
Use pictures of Zebras posted below for inspiration!
Also, listen to the Read Aloud Story, "The Z was Zapped" by Chris Van Allsburg - Posted Below
Procedure: Have an adult make a Large Z 3 inches in diameter on a piece of white paper
Starting at the top of the Z have your child make black lines from one side to the
Other all the way to the end of the Z (Printable Z also posted below)
Add eyes and a main to your Z to make a zebra
Materials: White paper, black crayon or marker
Wrap up: Talk about the Z sound and think of other words that begin with that sound
( Zoo, zoom, zig zag, etc. )
Assessment: Can your child come up with new words that begin with the letter Z?
Modifications: Make a horse on a piece of paper, then add black stripes to turn it into a zebra
Helpful Hints: If you don’t have the color black use colors that you do have

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