Our Daily Schedule
9;00- Reading books, singing songs, games, calendar, counting days of the month,
Pledge of Allegiance
9:30 Snack
10:00 Specials ( Art, Music, Health and Wellness, Spanish ) or classroom work
( letter of the week projects, sea life projects, letter or number bingo, games, sorting objects, hand writing with wipe of boards= letter of the week, practice writing their name, numbers, letters
11:00-11:30 Outside Play
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Quiet activities: Puzzles, tracing with pencils, coloring (make pictures for friends and family)
1:00 Rest Time
2:30 Waking Up/Putting things away & Free play
3:00 after school program
9;00- Reading books, singing songs, games, calendar, counting days of the month,
Pledge of Allegiance
9:30 Snack
10:00 Specials ( Art, Music, Health and Wellness, Spanish ) or classroom work
( letter of the week projects, sea life projects, letter or number bingo, games, sorting objects, hand writing with wipe of boards= letter of the week, practice writing their name, numbers, letters
11:00-11:30 Outside Play
12:00 Lunch
12:30 Quiet activities: Puzzles, tracing with pencils, coloring (make pictures for friends and family)
1:00 Rest Time
2:30 Waking Up/Putting things away & Free play
3:00 after school program