This lesson is learning about pollination and the project is creating a flower garden with bees pollinating the flowers!
Lesson: Pollination
Purpose: To learn that bees are one of the most important animals on earth.. We need them so plants can grow.
Theme: Insects
Learning standard: compare using descriptions and drawings to explain pollination
Learning outcomes: I would like the children to create their own beautiful garden and learn that bees fly from flower to flower spreading pollen so plants can grow new plants
Motivational techniques: see attachment below
Procedure: 1. On a large piece of paper draw a garden..
2 Then add the bees ( your fingerprints )
3. Dip your finger in yellow paint and place anywhere in the garden
4.add 6 legs to the bees!!
Materials: Paper, markers, crayons, paint
Wrap up: Your child just made a beautiful garden scene with bees flying all around.
Assessment: When finished the garden your child can add a sun, rainbow, themselves to the picture
Modifications: Have your child draw a vegetable garden. ( what is their favorite vegetable )
Instead of drawing flowers make them with crinkled tissue paper
Helpful Hints: If your running out of paper cut open grocery bags
Lesson: Pollination
Purpose: To learn that bees are one of the most important animals on earth.. We need them so plants can grow.
Theme: Insects
Learning standard: compare using descriptions and drawings to explain pollination
Learning outcomes: I would like the children to create their own beautiful garden and learn that bees fly from flower to flower spreading pollen so plants can grow new plants
Motivational techniques: see attachment below
Procedure: 1. On a large piece of paper draw a garden..
2 Then add the bees ( your fingerprints )
3. Dip your finger in yellow paint and place anywhere in the garden
4.add 6 legs to the bees!!
Materials: Paper, markers, crayons, paint
Wrap up: Your child just made a beautiful garden scene with bees flying all around.
Assessment: When finished the garden your child can add a sun, rainbow, themselves to the picture
Modifications: Have your child draw a vegetable garden. ( what is their favorite vegetable )
Instead of drawing flowers make them with crinkled tissue paper
Helpful Hints: If your running out of paper cut open grocery bags