Lesson: Yoyo starts with Y
Purpose: Teaching the letter and the letter sound
Learning standard: Linking the initial sound to a picture the child created
Behavioral objective/learning outcomes: I would like the children to be able to pronounce the letter Y.
Motivational techniques: Play with a yoyo
Google yoyo tricks
Procedure: 1 Trace your child’s hand at the top of a piece of paper
2 Cut out a circle from any color paper, what color do you want your yoyo to be? Design your own yoyo.
( 3 inches diameter )
3 Place at the bottom of the paper
4 glue a piece of string from a finger to the yoyo.
Materials: Paper, crayons or markers, colored paper, string
Wrap up: Your child just made a picture of their own hand playing with a yoyo.
Assessment: What other words begin with the y sound? ( Yellow, you, yes, yippie! )
Modifications: Make lots of yoyos and switch them around. Trace the other hand and make another picture. ( teach left and right hand ) or you can Trace your feet
Helpful Hints: If you don’t have string use thread. Any item that can connect the yoyo to their hands or feet
Purpose: Teaching the letter and the letter sound
Learning standard: Linking the initial sound to a picture the child created
Behavioral objective/learning outcomes: I would like the children to be able to pronounce the letter Y.
Motivational techniques: Play with a yoyo
Google yoyo tricks
Procedure: 1 Trace your child’s hand at the top of a piece of paper
2 Cut out a circle from any color paper, what color do you want your yoyo to be? Design your own yoyo.
( 3 inches diameter )
3 Place at the bottom of the paper
4 glue a piece of string from a finger to the yoyo.
Materials: Paper, crayons or markers, colored paper, string
Wrap up: Your child just made a picture of their own hand playing with a yoyo.
Assessment: What other words begin with the y sound? ( Yellow, you, yes, yippie! )
Modifications: Make lots of yoyos and switch them around. Trace the other hand and make another picture. ( teach left and right hand ) or you can Trace your feet
Helpful Hints: If you don’t have string use thread. Any item that can connect the yoyo to their hands or feet