Lesson/Activity Name: Cloud walk
Overall Purpose: Hi Families...Today’s activity is done outside. I want your child to observe the clouds. Talk about what the cloud looks like and what type of clouds do you think they are.
Monthly Theme: weather
Learning Standard(s):
K-PS3-1: Make observations to determine that sunlight warms materials on the Earth’s surface
Language 2: Participate actively in discussions, listen to ideas of others and ask & answer relevant questions.
Language 3: Communicate personal experiences or interests.
ESS2-4: Use simple instruments to collect data on elements of daily weather. Record observations and share ideas through simple forms of representation such as drawings.
ESS2-7: Identify the characteristics of local weather based on first hand observations.
Learning Outcomes: As your child observes clouds. Having them make note on all the changes that take place (ie. The sun behind the cloud makes it feel cooler. the shape of clouds: do they stay the same? Do clouds stay in the same place?).
Books,songs and videos:
Book: It Looks Like Spilt Milk https://youtu.be/Q-BuNmf1jec
Weather appropriate clothing/attire
other ideas: a sketch book (pencil/crayon), a camera
Procedures: (Step by Step how to do the activity)
Go outside and explore the weather
*Look at the clouds (what do they look like to you? your family?)
*Sketch what you see or take a picture
*Do the cloud types look the same at your house compared to someplace else (ie. beach? nature trail?).
*What is the weather like? windy? cloudy? sunny? temperature?
Wrap-up: Where did you go to explore the weather? Was the weather the same from where you first started? Did the weather change over the course of the day?
How do I know my child is learning? Discuss with your child about what they liked about today’s activity. Ask them what they noticed about the clouds. Have your child be the meteorologist: How would they describe the weather today? Based on today’s weather (and the clouds), what are their predictions for tomorrow's weather?
How can this activity be extended: use different tools to look at the clouds. Do the clouds look different when you have sunglasses on, when you take a picture of them, or you look at them in a mirror? Can you see the whole cloud from where you are standing or just one side of it? Is there a puddle on the ground? Is the sun out? Check back later to see if the puddle is still there...did it evaporate?
Helpful Hints: What happens if there are no clouds? Check back later in the day...are there any clouds? If it is raining: Can you see the rain coming out of a cloud (look off in the distance across the water)?
Lesson/Activity Name: Cloud walk
Overall Purpose: Hi Families...Today’s activity is done outside. I want your child to observe the clouds. Talk about what the cloud looks like and what type of clouds do you think they are.
Monthly Theme: weather
Learning Standard(s):
K-PS3-1: Make observations to determine that sunlight warms materials on the Earth’s surface
Language 2: Participate actively in discussions, listen to ideas of others and ask & answer relevant questions.
Language 3: Communicate personal experiences or interests.
ESS2-4: Use simple instruments to collect data on elements of daily weather. Record observations and share ideas through simple forms of representation such as drawings.
ESS2-7: Identify the characteristics of local weather based on first hand observations.
Learning Outcomes: As your child observes clouds. Having them make note on all the changes that take place (ie. The sun behind the cloud makes it feel cooler. the shape of clouds: do they stay the same? Do clouds stay in the same place?).
Books,songs and videos:
Book: It Looks Like Spilt Milk https://youtu.be/Q-BuNmf1jec
Weather appropriate clothing/attire
other ideas: a sketch book (pencil/crayon), a camera
Procedures: (Step by Step how to do the activity)
Go outside and explore the weather
*Look at the clouds (what do they look like to you? your family?)
*Sketch what you see or take a picture
*Do the cloud types look the same at your house compared to someplace else (ie. beach? nature trail?).
*What is the weather like? windy? cloudy? sunny? temperature?
Wrap-up: Where did you go to explore the weather? Was the weather the same from where you first started? Did the weather change over the course of the day?
How do I know my child is learning? Discuss with your child about what they liked about today’s activity. Ask them what they noticed about the clouds. Have your child be the meteorologist: How would they describe the weather today? Based on today’s weather (and the clouds), what are their predictions for tomorrow's weather?
How can this activity be extended: use different tools to look at the clouds. Do the clouds look different when you have sunglasses on, when you take a picture of them, or you look at them in a mirror? Can you see the whole cloud from where you are standing or just one side of it? Is there a puddle on the ground? Is the sun out? Check back later to see if the puddle is still there...did it evaporate?
Helpful Hints: What happens if there are no clouds? Check back later in the day...are there any clouds? If it is raining: Can you see the rain coming out of a cloud (look off in the distance across the water)?