Week 1: Let's Create Our Classroom
Circle Time

Everyday that you are home...you are the "Star of The Day"!
What is the "Star Of The Day"? The "star" is the teachers helper. The assistant! Some of the responsibilities that the star has:
1.Washing the table after meal times (soap and water, sponge or paper towel)
2. Sweeping up after meal times and projects (dust pan and small broom).
3. Helping to put materials away (in their correct places)
4. Offering to help others
5. At Circle Time: holds the flag, chooses the movement for the "Days of the Week Song" & Patriotic Hymn to Sing.
How can you help your family at home?
* If you have siblings/parent/Grandparent/Guardian at home...you can take turns being the star (if you are not the "star" you can be the "teacher" showing the "star" what we do each day!) : )
Activity: Create your own star! (you can use paper, paint, crayons, markers, what ever you have at home)
Book/Song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (some ideas are below: do you have a favorite one that you like to sing/read as a family?)
Outdoor Activities: Can you create a star using natural materials (draw a star in the sand, use sticks to create a star, etc.)? Go outside before bedtime (or look through a window): can you see the stars? Can you see the moon?
*If your family would like to take a picture of you and your project and email it to me, that would be great! : )
[email protected]
What is the "Star Of The Day"? The "star" is the teachers helper. The assistant! Some of the responsibilities that the star has:
1.Washing the table after meal times (soap and water, sponge or paper towel)
2. Sweeping up after meal times and projects (dust pan and small broom).
3. Helping to put materials away (in their correct places)
4. Offering to help others
5. At Circle Time: holds the flag, chooses the movement for the "Days of the Week Song" & Patriotic Hymn to Sing.
How can you help your family at home?
* If you have siblings/parent/Grandparent/Guardian at home...you can take turns being the star (if you are not the "star" you can be the "teacher" showing the "star" what we do each day!) : )
Activity: Create your own star! (you can use paper, paint, crayons, markers, what ever you have at home)
Book/Song: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (some ideas are below: do you have a favorite one that you like to sing/read as a family?)
Outdoor Activities: Can you create a star using natural materials (draw a star in the sand, use sticks to create a star, etc.)? Go outside before bedtime (or look through a window): can you see the stars? Can you see the moon?
*If your family would like to take a picture of you and your project and email it to me, that would be great! : )
[email protected]