Painting With Rain (water)
Happy Earth Day!
Hi Families… Today’s project you will need some rain water and painting materials (plastic cup or container to hold the rain water, paint brush or something to paint with ...could be a Q-tip or flower, stick, etc.). This project is best when done outside (or can be done at a table inside).
Date: Wednesday April 22, 2020
What is our theme? Weather
What is the lesson (overall purpose)? I hope that the children have fun as well as to experiment with water.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
*Prek-PS1-3 (MA): Differentiate between properties of an object and those of the material of which it is made (evaporation/absorption: natural vs. manufactured).
*PreK-PS1-4 (MA): Recognize through investigation that physical objects and materials can change under different circumstances.
Learning Outcomes: I hope that the children will have fun as they explore and discover how materials absorb the water or the way water evaporates off of the materials in which they are “painting”. Water play encourages the development of eye/hand coordination through pouring, squeezing, stirring, painting, scrubbing, and squirting.
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
Book: Rain (By: Manya Stojic)
*rain water
*plastic cup
*paint brush (sponges, sticks, flowers, etc.)
Activity (Procedure):
If painting indoors: Gather materials that you would like to paint (rocks, wood, toys, etc.)
Outside: Give your child a cup of rain water and a paintbrush to paint materials outside.
Go back later and check on items that were painted. What happened to the water? Did the material absorb the water or did the water evaporate?
Activity Wrap Up: Talk about what materials absorbed water and which objects the water evaporated off of. How does water evaporate?
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
*Discuss with your child:
-How does rain affect us and animals?
-How can we reuse rain water?
-Review the water cycle (where does rain come from?)
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
*Make a rain barrel outside: to collect rainwater to reuse for watering the garden, etc.
*Fill a shallow plastic container or water table outside: so that your child can play in the rain water with plastic toys and/or measuring cups, spoons, yogurt cups, dolls, etc.
*Making art using rain: Watercolor paint on a piece of paper. You may want to space your colors out a bit or put them close together. When your paint is still wet, put it outside in the rain. Put a few small stones on the corners to hold it down. How do the raindrops change your picture?
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If you don’t have rain water, regular water will work.
Happy Earth Day!
Hi Families… Today’s project you will need some rain water and painting materials (plastic cup or container to hold the rain water, paint brush or something to paint with ...could be a Q-tip or flower, stick, etc.). This project is best when done outside (or can be done at a table inside).
Date: Wednesday April 22, 2020
What is our theme? Weather
What is the lesson (overall purpose)? I hope that the children have fun as well as to experiment with water.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
*Prek-PS1-3 (MA): Differentiate between properties of an object and those of the material of which it is made (evaporation/absorption: natural vs. manufactured).
*PreK-PS1-4 (MA): Recognize through investigation that physical objects and materials can change under different circumstances.
Learning Outcomes: I hope that the children will have fun as they explore and discover how materials absorb the water or the way water evaporates off of the materials in which they are “painting”. Water play encourages the development of eye/hand coordination through pouring, squeezing, stirring, painting, scrubbing, and squirting.
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
Book: Rain (By: Manya Stojic)
*rain water
*plastic cup
*paint brush (sponges, sticks, flowers, etc.)
Activity (Procedure):
If painting indoors: Gather materials that you would like to paint (rocks, wood, toys, etc.)
Outside: Give your child a cup of rain water and a paintbrush to paint materials outside.
Go back later and check on items that were painted. What happened to the water? Did the material absorb the water or did the water evaporate?
Activity Wrap Up: Talk about what materials absorbed water and which objects the water evaporated off of. How does water evaporate?
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
*Discuss with your child:
-How does rain affect us and animals?
-How can we reuse rain water?
-Review the water cycle (where does rain come from?)
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
*Make a rain barrel outside: to collect rainwater to reuse for watering the garden, etc.
*Fill a shallow plastic container or water table outside: so that your child can play in the rain water with plastic toys and/or measuring cups, spoons, yogurt cups, dolls, etc.
*Making art using rain: Watercolor paint on a piece of paper. You may want to space your colors out a bit or put them close together. When your paint is still wet, put it outside in the rain. Put a few small stones on the corners to hold it down. How do the raindrops change your picture?
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If you don’t have rain water, regular water will work.