Hello Toddler Families!
"Let's take a nature walk to listen and look for different birds in our neighborhood/yard!" This is an outdoor activity as we search for birds outside. First, start with the video book read by Ms. Naomi (posted at the bottom of this lesson) then gather materials and follow the "procedure" for a bird nature hunt! There are extra materials attached to this plan for families to utilize just for fun!
lesson/Activity Name: Bird Nature Hunt
Overall Purpose: Observing the sounds of birds in the area we live and what they look like.
Theme: Spring and Birds
Learning Standard(s):
CD61 The younger toddler discovers living things found in nature
CD64 The older toddler observes and identifies living things and begins to identify their basic needs
CD78 The older toddler notices similarities and differences in others
Behavioral Objectives/Learning Outcomes:
Children will learn that each bird makes a different sound
Children will experience viewing birds in their natural habitats
Motivational Techniques: (What will you use to pair with lesson (i.e. a book, song, video etc)
“Birds” :Video of read aloud by Ms. Naomi
https://youtu.be/rYoZgpAEkFs Video of Bird Songs
https://youtu.be/WhRpW0cVmds Video: Birds Names and Sounds
https://youtu.be/obSaQxGPU7E Video: Once I Saw a Little Bird
https://youtu.be/wCycxuYqPiU Book: Birds
Procedures: (Step by Step how to do the activity)
Take a nature walk around the neighborhood and look and listen for birds. Remember to look in the trees, on the ground, in the neighbor’s yard. Have mom or dad write down how many birds you see and the colors they were. Listen for their sounds.
Notebook or paper
Pen or pencil
Binoculars ( if you have some)
Were you able to see and hear any birds on your walk?
Did your child recognize any birds from the videos or the book Ms. Naomi read?
If binoculars were available, was your child able to observe a bird “up close?”
How many birds were you able to see? Did mom/dad keep count?
Does your child understand that birds come in many different colors and sizes? Review the videos and point out all the different birds you see.
Remind your child that each bird makes a different sound. Were they able to hear different bird songs while out walking?
Take a drive to a pond closeby to see if there are any ducks, geese, or swans to observe rather than taking a walk around the neighborhood.
If the weather isn’t cooperating and you are unable to go for a walk, review the YouTube video about birds. If you have a bird feeder in your yard, sit and observe out the window for a bit to see what birds come to eat.
Helpful Hints:
Some children may be a bit scared of birds. If your child is one, take time to watch the video a few times before going on your nature walk.Reassure them that the birds will be far enough away to cause no harm.