Hello Families! Many different kinds of creatures live at the beach. Let’s explore the crab and make a fun craft project!
What is our theme? Beach
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
Learning about the crab through stories and music and ending with a crab art activity which introduces sponge painting.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
CD60 The younger toddler experiments with various dry and wet materials to discover their properties
CD61 The younger toddler discovers living things found in nature
CD64 The older toddler observes and identifies living things and begins to identify their basic needs
CD66 The younger toddler explores with sensory art materials and uses them to create visual effects
CD69 The older toddler creatively explores and experiments using a variety of sensory materials and art mediums
Learning Outcomes: What are the benefits of sponge painting?
The learning benefits of this activity:
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
https://youtu.be/C_1xqhM6_0I Story: “ A House For Hermit Crab”
https://youtu.be/2ak5L_aAmrU Music “Little Hermit Crab”
https://youtu.be/GC_mV1IpjWA Music “Under The Sea” from The Little Mermaid
https://simplytodaylife.com/paper-plate-ocean-crab-craft/ Crab craft
Activity (Procedure):
Activity Wrap Up:
Don’t forget to help mom or dad clean up your workspace! Did you enjoy dipping the sponge in the paint and applying it to the paper? Did it feel squishy? Once your crab is finished you can add a piece of yarn and hang him from a special place in your house.
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
Paint is a great way for a child to express him or herself and learn about shapes and colors.Using just two or three colors and various sponges can create a wide variety of effects.
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
Your crab doesn’t have to be red, you can use any color to make your crab! What is your favorite color to use? Trying painting a stone and making that into a crab.
Since we know that crabs live at the beach, try adding to your art by drawing and coloring a beach for your crab to live? Do you have a shoe box that you can turn into a beach for your new friend?
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If you don’t have a paper plate available you can use red construction paper or just plain white paper and crayons to make it whatever color you like.Don’t have a sponge? Try dipping a paper towel in the paint and using that to apply it to the plate. If you don’t have googly eyes, it’s ok to draw the eyes with a marker or crayon.
What is our theme? Beach
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
Learning about the crab through stories and music and ending with a crab art activity which introduces sponge painting.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
CD60 The younger toddler experiments with various dry and wet materials to discover their properties
CD61 The younger toddler discovers living things found in nature
CD64 The older toddler observes and identifies living things and begins to identify their basic needs
CD66 The younger toddler explores with sensory art materials and uses them to create visual effects
CD69 The older toddler creatively explores and experiments using a variety of sensory materials and art mediums
Learning Outcomes: What are the benefits of sponge painting?
The learning benefits of this activity:
- Self-expression with paint.
- Eye and hand coordination.
- Fine motor development.
- Experimenting and exploring with a new paint tool.
- Sense of achievement and pride.
- Color recognition.
- Sensory experience of exploring paint and paint filled sponges
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
https://youtu.be/C_1xqhM6_0I Story: “ A House For Hermit Crab”
https://youtu.be/2ak5L_aAmrU Music “Little Hermit Crab”
https://youtu.be/GC_mV1IpjWA Music “Under The Sea” from The Little Mermaid
https://simplytodaylife.com/paper-plate-ocean-crab-craft/ Crab craft
- Paper plate
- Red paint
- Sponge cut into a square
- Googly eyes
- Red construction paper
- Scissors
- Craft glue
Activity (Procedure):
- Start by cutting a sponge into four squares.
- On the paper plate sponge on the red paint on one side.
- Allow to completely dry.
- Then flip your paper plate and sponge red paint on the other side until the entire paper plate is covered.
- Allow drying.
- Fold the paper plate in half once the plate is completely dry.
- Set a heavy book on the paper plate for a bit to make sure the crease sets in.
- Cut red strips with construction paper and glue on your paper plate.
- Glue on your googly eyes.
- Using a black marker add a mouth to your crab if you wanted to on the inside
Activity Wrap Up:
Don’t forget to help mom or dad clean up your workspace! Did you enjoy dipping the sponge in the paint and applying it to the paper? Did it feel squishy? Once your crab is finished you can add a piece of yarn and hang him from a special place in your house.
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
Paint is a great way for a child to express him or herself and learn about shapes and colors.Using just two or three colors and various sponges can create a wide variety of effects.
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
Your crab doesn’t have to be red, you can use any color to make your crab! What is your favorite color to use? Trying painting a stone and making that into a crab.
Since we know that crabs live at the beach, try adding to your art by drawing and coloring a beach for your crab to live? Do you have a shoe box that you can turn into a beach for your new friend?
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If you don’t have a paper plate available you can use red construction paper or just plain white paper and crayons to make it whatever color you like.Don’t have a sponge? Try dipping a paper towel in the paint and using that to apply it to the plate. If you don’t have googly eyes, it’s ok to draw the eyes with a marker or crayon.