Overall Purpose: To Introduce children to seeds, plants and plant growth
Theme: Seeds: Examining different seeds
Learning Standard(s):
Language and Communication : learning new words and definitions SEED, COMPARE, DIFFERENT, SAME,BIG LITTLE,
Cognitive: The toddler explores with materials and discovers mathematical concepts; the toddler develops early scientific skills through exploration and discovery
Approaches to Learning: The toddler shows eagerness and curiosity as a learner
Behavioral Objectives/Learning Outcomes:
The children will learn that there are a variety of different kinds of seeds by exploring seed packets. The child will learn that seeds come in all different sizes and shapes.
Motivational Techniques: (What will you use to pair with lesson (i.e. a book, song, video etc)
Book: What Happens Next? Seed to Plant (read by RIley on video)
Music: The Seed Song https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=the+seed+song+from+spring+assembly
Video: https://youtu.be/DL5BVcBxCZs
Procedures: (Step by Step how to do the activity)
Open up the different seed packets and put on the towel or paper plate
With your child, examine the different seeds and discuss what they look like. (size, color, etc)
Store bought seed packets : flowers and vegetables
Paper towel or paper plate
All seeds are different . Ask your child to tell you the differences and similarities of the seeds you are looking at. Are some big? Tiny ones? Are they all the same color or are some different? Are some round while others are oval?
Show your child which seed came from which seed packet and what the seed will look like once it grows into the flower/plant
Place two different seeds side by side. Have your child show you which seed is the biggest. Which seed is the smallest.
Have your child point out if he/she notices a difference in the color of each seed. Are some brown, black or white?
If seed packets are unavailable, look at the seeds found in the vegetables you may have; Strawberries, apples, oranges, green beans, avocado, or bird seed
Helpful Hints:
If no seeds are available to explore, google search “Seeds” and many images will appear. Compare the different pictures with your child.