Hello Families! Even though it's Spring, it’s fun to talk and play with snow. Here’s a fun activity to bring snow into your house even on a spring day.
What is our theme? Weather
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
There are many kinds of weather. In the winter when it’s cold it sometimes snows! Snow is cold and fun to play in. What kinds of things can you make in the snow?
MA Guidelines/Standards:
CD60 The younger toddler experiments with various wet and dry materials to discover their properties
CD62 The older toddler asks questions and develops inquiry skills
CD67 The younger toddler begins to use pretend and dramatic play to act out familiar scenes
CD70 The older toddler expands on pretend play and recreates familiar settings through the imaginative use of props and clothing
Learning Outcomes:
Learning about snow and how the mixing of different ingredients obtains different properties.
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
https://youtu.be/yFZKlNU39hE Read Aloud book “The Snowy Day” This will be a familiar story from the classroom.
https://youtu.be/tbbKjDjMDok Music “Little Snowflake” This will be a familiar song because we sing it with Ms. Paige!
https://youtu.be/V-zXT5bIBM0 Music “Do You Want To BUild A Snowman?” From the movie Frozen
A can of shaving cream (NOT the gel kind)
1 cup of baking soda
Mixing bowl
Activity (Procedure):
This recipe for do-it-yourself-snow is very easy. Pour one cup of baking soda in the mixing bowl. Slowly add the shaving cream until you get the consistency you like. Have fun molding and creating.
Activity Wrap Up:
What did the “snow” feel like? Was it cold? What did you make with your snow? Were you able to build a snowman?
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
Scooping up the pretend snow with a spoon develops fine motor skills.
Mixing the baking soda with the shaving cream shows your child that two different ingredients make a new property.
While watching the read aloud story, your child is working on their memory recall since we have read the story several times in the classroom.
While listening to the music video, your child is recalling moments in music class with Ms. Paige.
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
Try using cookie cutters in your snow to make shapes. Use a spoon and scoop the snow into piles. Do you have a tiny car that can drive through your snow? How about adding some animals to walk through your snow? For sparkly snow, you might want to add some glitter!
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If shaving cream or baking soda aren’t available, you can use cotton balls to represent snow or tear up paper towels into small pieces. It will be fun for your child to use their imagination with animals and cars in their “snow.”
Another recipe for do-it-yourself-snow using conditioner and baking soda is: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/168814686011874294/
What is our theme? Weather
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
There are many kinds of weather. In the winter when it’s cold it sometimes snows! Snow is cold and fun to play in. What kinds of things can you make in the snow?
MA Guidelines/Standards:
CD60 The younger toddler experiments with various wet and dry materials to discover their properties
CD62 The older toddler asks questions and develops inquiry skills
CD67 The younger toddler begins to use pretend and dramatic play to act out familiar scenes
CD70 The older toddler expands on pretend play and recreates familiar settings through the imaginative use of props and clothing
Learning Outcomes:
Learning about snow and how the mixing of different ingredients obtains different properties.
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
https://youtu.be/yFZKlNU39hE Read Aloud book “The Snowy Day” This will be a familiar story from the classroom.
https://youtu.be/tbbKjDjMDok Music “Little Snowflake” This will be a familiar song because we sing it with Ms. Paige!
https://youtu.be/V-zXT5bIBM0 Music “Do You Want To BUild A Snowman?” From the movie Frozen
A can of shaving cream (NOT the gel kind)
1 cup of baking soda
Mixing bowl
Activity (Procedure):
This recipe for do-it-yourself-snow is very easy. Pour one cup of baking soda in the mixing bowl. Slowly add the shaving cream until you get the consistency you like. Have fun molding and creating.
Activity Wrap Up:
What did the “snow” feel like? Was it cold? What did you make with your snow? Were you able to build a snowman?
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
Scooping up the pretend snow with a spoon develops fine motor skills.
Mixing the baking soda with the shaving cream shows your child that two different ingredients make a new property.
While watching the read aloud story, your child is working on their memory recall since we have read the story several times in the classroom.
While listening to the music video, your child is recalling moments in music class with Ms. Paige.
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
Try using cookie cutters in your snow to make shapes. Use a spoon and scoop the snow into piles. Do you have a tiny car that can drive through your snow? How about adding some animals to walk through your snow? For sparkly snow, you might want to add some glitter!
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If shaving cream or baking soda aren’t available, you can use cotton balls to represent snow or tear up paper towels into small pieces. It will be fun for your child to use their imagination with animals and cars in their “snow.”
Another recipe for do-it-yourself-snow using conditioner and baking soda is: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/168814686011874294/