What is our theme?
Scissor Skills, Fine motor skills
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
Students will review scissor safety, handling and practice using scissors to cut various lines.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
Physical fitness MA standards:
· Grasp scissors correctly with adult guidance (thumb and middle finger in the handles of the scissors, and the index finger outside/under the blades to stabilize).
· Show cutting skills including unstructured snipping (e.g., snipping pieces of plastic straws or strips of paper); cutting within a “track,” and cutting on a line and stopping at a marked point.
Learning Outcomes:
- Students will verbalize and show how to handle and pass scissors safely.
- Students will show interest and initiative in cutting materials.
- Students will feel more comfortable using scissors.
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
“Teaching Scissor Safety with Kindergarten” Youtube link:
(VERY applicable for preschool too!)
- Device to watch youtube link
- Child friendly scissors
- Paper
- Marker (to draw lines for your child to cut.)
Activity (Procedure):
- Start by asking your child to show you how they should safely handle scissors.
- Review scissor safety with the youtube link. Watch! :)
- Ask your child to practice cutting strips of paper. Ask them to follow the lines as best as they can.
Activity Wrap Up:
Have a quick, highlighted review of scissor safety with your child.
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
- Can my child explain how to use scissors safely?
- Is my child able to hold their scissor properly?
- Is my child able to cut in a straight line? What about a wiggly or zig zag line?
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
- If your child is showing they have no problem following the line with their scissors, make the lines more complicated!
- Ask your child if they can cut out various shapes.
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If the complicated zig zag/wiggly lines are too challenging, just focus on cutting in a straight line as best as they can! Praise them for their efforts!
Scissor Skills, Fine motor skills
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
Students will review scissor safety, handling and practice using scissors to cut various lines.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
Physical fitness MA standards:
· Grasp scissors correctly with adult guidance (thumb and middle finger in the handles of the scissors, and the index finger outside/under the blades to stabilize).
· Show cutting skills including unstructured snipping (e.g., snipping pieces of plastic straws or strips of paper); cutting within a “track,” and cutting on a line and stopping at a marked point.
Learning Outcomes:
- Students will verbalize and show how to handle and pass scissors safely.
- Students will show interest and initiative in cutting materials.
- Students will feel more comfortable using scissors.
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
“Teaching Scissor Safety with Kindergarten” Youtube link:
(VERY applicable for preschool too!)
- Device to watch youtube link
- Child friendly scissors
- Paper
- Marker (to draw lines for your child to cut.)
Activity (Procedure):
- Start by asking your child to show you how they should safely handle scissors.
- Review scissor safety with the youtube link. Watch! :)
- Ask your child to practice cutting strips of paper. Ask them to follow the lines as best as they can.
Activity Wrap Up:
Have a quick, highlighted review of scissor safety with your child.
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
- Can my child explain how to use scissors safely?
- Is my child able to hold their scissor properly?
- Is my child able to cut in a straight line? What about a wiggly or zig zag line?
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
- If your child is showing they have no problem following the line with their scissors, make the lines more complicated!
- Ask your child if they can cut out various shapes.
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If the complicated zig zag/wiggly lines are too challenging, just focus on cutting in a straight line as best as they can! Praise them for their efforts!