What is our theme?
Sink or float
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
Students will predict and explore whether certain objects sink or float.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
APL 2: The child will demonstrate eagerness and curiosity as a learner.
APL3: The child will be able to maintain focus and attention, and persist in efforts to complete a task.
PreK-PS1-2 (MA). Investigate natural and human-made objects to describe, compare, sort and classify objects based on observable physical characteristics, uses, and whether something is manufactured or occurs in nature.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will have a better understanding of what objects may sink or float.
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
“Sink or Float?” Youtube Science:
- Device to watch youtube link
- Large tub, bucket or large/wide pot
- Items for child to experiment with
Activity (Procedure):
-Start by watching the youtube link to introduce your child to sinking items and floating items. This video talks more into the details of WHY this happens.
- Tell your child they will conduct their own experiment of sink or float.
- Either collect items to use together or have the items ready to go for your child.
- Predict whether an item will sink or float BEFORE placing it into water.
Activity Wrap Up:
- Review what items sank or what items float. Review how some items have a higher density than others. This is why they sink or float.
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
-Is my child engaged with this activity?
- Does my child understand what items may sink or float?
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
- Keep experimenting with new objects!
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
- Child may not fully grasp the understanding that some items have a higher density, that’s okay. What is more important to me at this point is that your child is interested in participating in the activity.
Sink or float
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
Students will predict and explore whether certain objects sink or float.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
APL 2: The child will demonstrate eagerness and curiosity as a learner.
APL3: The child will be able to maintain focus and attention, and persist in efforts to complete a task.
PreK-PS1-2 (MA). Investigate natural and human-made objects to describe, compare, sort and classify objects based on observable physical characteristics, uses, and whether something is manufactured or occurs in nature.
Learning Outcomes:
Students will have a better understanding of what objects may sink or float.
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
“Sink or Float?” Youtube Science:
- Device to watch youtube link
- Large tub, bucket or large/wide pot
- Items for child to experiment with
Activity (Procedure):
-Start by watching the youtube link to introduce your child to sinking items and floating items. This video talks more into the details of WHY this happens.
- Tell your child they will conduct their own experiment of sink or float.
- Either collect items to use together or have the items ready to go for your child.
- Predict whether an item will sink or float BEFORE placing it into water.
Activity Wrap Up:
- Review what items sank or what items float. Review how some items have a higher density than others. This is why they sink or float.
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
-Is my child engaged with this activity?
- Does my child understand what items may sink or float?
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
- Keep experimenting with new objects!
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
- Child may not fully grasp the understanding that some items have a higher density, that’s okay. What is more important to me at this point is that your child is interested in participating in the activity.