Some of the animals we have learned about are:
The wood frog (this was the one we did the experiment where we put syrup in one container and water in the other. We then put both in the freezer to see what would happen. The syrup represents the wood frogs blood. It has a lot of glucose in it so it will not die during winter hibernation).
Musk Turtle: the children loved learning about these turtles because when you pick them up they may toot on you its how they defend themselves!
Dragonfly: These were very interesting to learn about. I have attached a fact sheet the children and I made together.
Painted Turtle: we learned that they are red yellow and black and made very cool watercolor painted turtles where we incorporated different found materials that were red yellow and black.
The wood frog (this was the one we did the experiment where we put syrup in one container and water in the other. We then put both in the freezer to see what would happen. The syrup represents the wood frogs blood. It has a lot of glucose in it so it will not die during winter hibernation).
Musk Turtle: the children loved learning about these turtles because when you pick them up they may toot on you its how they defend themselves!
Dragonfly: These were very interesting to learn about. I have attached a fact sheet the children and I made together.
Painted Turtle: we learned that they are red yellow and black and made very cool watercolor painted turtles where we incorporated different found materials that were red yellow and black.