Hello Song - We always sing “Say Hello to Avery, to Avery, to Avery, say hello to Avery we're so glad you're here! We go around and do everyone's names while tapping our knees and then our hands together.
-7 Days a Week Song: There are 7 days there are 7 days There are 7 days in a week. There are 7 days there are 7 days There are 7 days in a week! Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays, Friday, Saturday There are 7 days there are 7 days There are 7 days in a week. ( We hold up 7 fingers then put up one at a time while we say the days of the week. Monday: Move it Monday (Put our hands on our hips and do a little dance.) Tuesday: Tap it Tuesday (Tap the floor with your feet.) Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday (Make a silly face.) Thursday: Thumbs up Thursday Friday: Raise the roof Friday (We raise our hands in the air and sing raise the roof its Friday!!) *The children loved to play the sink or float game in our water table. You can do this in the bathtub also! Go on a scavenger hunt around the house and look for things you don't mind getting wet. When it's tub time the kids can place these items one at the time into the bath to see what happens! We liked to talk about what we think is going to happen first and make our predictions then talk about after!
*Making playdough and slime. There are so many different kinds of playdough and slime you can make and you can add food coloring and different scents to them as well. *Nature mobiles: Find different sticks and fun things in nature hang them from string to a larger stick to display around your home. Talk about the different sizes of the sticks and acorns etc. that you find compare and contrast. You can also use any of these found nature materials to paint with! Who needs a paint brush right!! * Any sort of scavenger hunt is always fun. You can hide letters around the house or numbers and give your children a piece of paper with the letters. They can collect them all and glue them to the corresponding letter or number on the paper. * If you have sand at home or if you have adventured to the beach you can get some sand. This is always fun to play with inside and the kids can trace shapes, letters, and numbers with their fingers in the sand. * Freeze small toys in an ice cube tray. Once frozen place them on a cookie pan and let the children using q-tips or eye droppers drop colored salt water on them and watch what happens! Some of the animals we have learned about are:
The wood frog (this was the one we did the experiment where we put syrup in one container and water in the other. We then put both in the freezer to see what would happen. The syrup represents the wood frogs blood. It has a lot of glucose in it so it will not die during winter hibernation). Musk Turtle: the children loved learning about these turtles because when you pick them up they may toot on you its how they defend themselves! Dragonfly: These were very interesting to learn about. I have attached a fact sheet the children and I made together. Painted Turtle: we learned that they are red yellow and black and made very cool watercolor painted turtles where we incorporated different found materials that were red yellow and black. Hi preschool friends and families! I miss you all very much. I hope everyone is using this opportunity to get in some extra snuggles and playtime. I wanted to share with you some ideas you could do at home with your little ones during this time. These are some ideas I think would be great to try and also some ideas from the classroom the children really enjoyed. We left off on our pond unit. The children were very engaged in learning about ponds on Cape Cod. During these nice days I encourage you to visit some ponds. Look for different animals. Listen and see what you might hear while you are there. There are endless possibilities! Please feel free to email me with anything! We may not be able to be in school right now but you are all very important to me and I am still here! With much love, Miss Amanda Miss Amanda and Friend’s Daily Schedule
9:00-9:30 Free play 9:30-9:50 Morning Circle 9:50-10:15 Handwashing/ snack 10:15-10:45 Free play 10:45-11:15 Project time 11:15-12:00 Outside play 12:00-12:30 Hand washing/ Lunch 12:30- 1:00 Tooth brushing/ books and puzzles 1:00 Rest time or parent pick up |
AuthorMs. Amanda - Preschool Archives
June 2020
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