Can you create your own recycle robot!? What will it look like? What will its name be!?
Our Lessons For the Week! “Fun With Recycling”
What is our theme? Recycle Robot
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
To find things in your home to create with and repurpose.
To provide opportunities for children to explain their thinking and receive feedback about how they reached a decision or created an object or project.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
SEL1: The child will be able to recognize, identify, and express his/her emotions.
APL4: The child will demonstrate creativity in thinking and use of materials. engage in imaginative play and storytelling in which children change or make up their own endings.
PK.G.3. Create and Represent three-dimensional shapes (ball/sphere, square box/cube, tube/cylinder) using various manipulative materials (such as popsicle sticks, blocks, pipe cleaners, pattern blocks).
Learning Outcomes:
To be able to use your imagination to create
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques) - Recycling is Fun read aloud by Ms. Amanda - Don't Throw That Away read aloud by Ms. Amanda
Any recycled material will work!
Milk carton
Caps from bottles (for the eyes or wheels)
Shoe box
Paper rolls
Apple sauce/ yogurt containers
Activity (Procedure):
Use the different recycled materials to create your robot.
Will your robot have a head, eyes, arms?
You can tape or glue pieces to your robot.
Activity Wrap Up: Please bring your recycle robot to the next WebEx meeting to show your friends!
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
Can your child share with you some descriptive words about their robot?
What recycled materials did they use and why?
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
You can play with your robot! Give it a name and make it talk. If your child is having a hard time with something or is feeling sad this robot can help! You can make the robot talk and talk about feelings.
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
All materials are optional and just suggestions. This is about creativity and using what you have at home which will be different from others.
Our Lessons For the Week! “Fun With Recycling”
What is our theme? Recycle Robot
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
To find things in your home to create with and repurpose.
To provide opportunities for children to explain their thinking and receive feedback about how they reached a decision or created an object or project.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
SEL1: The child will be able to recognize, identify, and express his/her emotions.
APL4: The child will demonstrate creativity in thinking and use of materials. engage in imaginative play and storytelling in which children change or make up their own endings.
PK.G.3. Create and Represent three-dimensional shapes (ball/sphere, square box/cube, tube/cylinder) using various manipulative materials (such as popsicle sticks, blocks, pipe cleaners, pattern blocks).
Learning Outcomes:
To be able to use your imagination to create
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques) - Recycling is Fun read aloud by Ms. Amanda - Don't Throw That Away read aloud by Ms. Amanda
Any recycled material will work!
Milk carton
Caps from bottles (for the eyes or wheels)
Shoe box
Paper rolls
Apple sauce/ yogurt containers
Activity (Procedure):
Use the different recycled materials to create your robot.
Will your robot have a head, eyes, arms?
You can tape or glue pieces to your robot.
Activity Wrap Up: Please bring your recycle robot to the next WebEx meeting to show your friends!
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
Can your child share with you some descriptive words about their robot?
What recycled materials did they use and why?
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
You can play with your robot! Give it a name and make it talk. If your child is having a hard time with something or is feeling sad this robot can help! You can make the robot talk and talk about feelings.
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
All materials are optional and just suggestions. This is about creativity and using what you have at home which will be different from others.