The weather is always changing where we live so let's explore different weather patterns!
What is our theme? Wind Chimes
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
To explore wind, when the wind chime blows in the wind which way does it go?
To discover what is around you that you can use to hang from your wind chime.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
APL4: The child will demonstrate creativity in thinking and use of materials.
SEL12: The child will demonstrate the ability to reflect on and evaluate the results of his/her actions and decisions.
APL 1: The child will demonstrate initiative, self-direction, and independence.
Learning Outcomes:
To build critical thinking skills when trying to find the best way to hang your found materials to the wind chime.
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques) wind chime sound
Cap from a coffee can or metal lid from a mason jar
String, ribbon, or fishing line
Activity (Procedure):
Look at the pictures of different wind chimes or ones you may have.
This project can be done in so many different ways using just about anything.
Use a stick or lid from an old container as the top of your wind chime.
Hanging different things from this using the string, ribbon, or fishing line.
Activity Wrap Up:
Hang your wind chime up and see and hear what happens when the wind blows.
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
While out on a walk in the neighborhood or driving in the car play a game where you look for different wind chimes and discuss similarities and differences from the ones you made.
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If you are not able to find a good way to fasten the materials to the string or fishing line you can have your child place everything where they want it and hot glue it.
What is our theme? Wind Chimes
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
To explore wind, when the wind chime blows in the wind which way does it go?
To discover what is around you that you can use to hang from your wind chime.
MA Guidelines/Standards:
APL4: The child will demonstrate creativity in thinking and use of materials.
SEL12: The child will demonstrate the ability to reflect on and evaluate the results of his/her actions and decisions.
APL 1: The child will demonstrate initiative, self-direction, and independence.
Learning Outcomes:
To build critical thinking skills when trying to find the best way to hang your found materials to the wind chime.
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques) wind chime sound
Cap from a coffee can or metal lid from a mason jar
String, ribbon, or fishing line
Activity (Procedure):
Look at the pictures of different wind chimes or ones you may have.
This project can be done in so many different ways using just about anything.
Use a stick or lid from an old container as the top of your wind chime.
Hanging different things from this using the string, ribbon, or fishing line.
Activity Wrap Up:
Hang your wind chime up and see and hear what happens when the wind blows.
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
- ask reflective questions as children are engaged in activities, such as “What happened when ___? What did you think would happen?”
- help children connect their plans with implementation (e.g., “You planned to ___, how did it work out?”).
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
While out on a walk in the neighborhood or driving in the car play a game where you look for different wind chimes and discuss similarities and differences from the ones you made.
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If you are not able to find a good way to fasten the materials to the string or fishing line you can have your child place everything where they want it and hot glue it.