What is our theme? Mixing colors
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
To learn what happens when you mix two colors together
MA Guidelines/Standards:
SEL8: The child will engage socially, and build relationships with other children and with adults.
APL 2: The child will demonstrate eagerness and curiosity as a learner.
APL4: The child will demonstrate creativity in thinking and use of materials.
Learning Outcomes:
to learn how to mix colors
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
Book: A Color of his Own By: Leo Lionni
Activity (Procedure):
Activity Wrap Up: Ask your child, what happened to the chameleon when you mixed the colors?
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
Is your chill able to squish the paint around to mix the colors?
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
If you are mixing the colors yellow and red, you can draw an orange on the zip lock bag. If you are mixing blue and red, you can draw a picture of grapes etc.
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If the bag opens up, you can tape the top of the bag so it can stay closed.
What is the lesson (overall purpose)?
To learn what happens when you mix two colors together
MA Guidelines/Standards:
SEL8: The child will engage socially, and build relationships with other children and with adults.
APL 2: The child will demonstrate eagerness and curiosity as a learner.
APL4: The child will demonstrate creativity in thinking and use of materials.
Learning Outcomes:
to learn how to mix colors
Songs, Books & Videos (Motivational Techniques)
Book: A Color of his Own By: Leo Lionni
- Three zip lock bags
- Blue, red and yellow paint
- black permanent marker to draw the chameleon
- and tape just in case you need it
Activity (Procedure):
- Draw a chameleon on the three zip lock bags
- Drop some red and blue paint in one bag
- drop red and yellow paint in the second bag
- drop blue and yellow to the last bag
- have your child squish the paint around to mix the colors
Activity Wrap Up: Ask your child, what happened to the chameleon when you mixed the colors?
How do I know what my child is learning? (Assessment)
Is your chill able to squish the paint around to mix the colors?
How can you extend this activity? (Modifications)
If you are mixing the colors yellow and red, you can draw an orange on the zip lock bag. If you are mixing blue and red, you can draw a picture of grapes etc.
Helpful Hints: (Pitfalls & Solutions)
If the bag opens up, you can tape the top of the bag so it can stay closed.